Monday, August 9, 2010

Is it common for 2 sisters to have different disorders such as narcissism and borderline personality disorder?

I have a freind who has just been diagosed with borderline persoanlity disorder.She is on medication but seems to be losing it.She constantly talks about committing suicide and that she hates life.She has a wonderful husband who she says she wants to divorce.How can i help her?

She is living with her mum and sister while her husband is away as she can not be left alone.I think her sister is a narcissist and her mother could also be.Her dad is hated by her mum and sister and they are divorced.My friend still tries to get along with her dad.

Her mum and sis do not show to much emotions and the mum was away alot while the kids were small.

Do you think that 2 kids could come up with a narcissism and borderline personality disorder and if so do these condition seem conductive for this?Also do you think the narcissism is making things worse for her? Is it common for 2 sisters to have different disorders such as narcissism and borderline personality disorder?
Yeah, mental disorder runs in families... actually if you really look at the stuff we all have some sort of mental disorder, but some just have it to an extreme... in other words the extreme of mental disorder runs in families... did I make any sense to you there?

I have BPD, and I would have to say all of my siblings have something... they just don't want to admit it. It shows though.

Well the Mom being away a lot would help to explain the BPD... fear of abandonment...

To help her, show her that you love her... and if she has the tendency to be manipulative don't allow her to manipulate you, because it will hurt. But don't stop loving your friend...

By the way, if the meds are making it worse... they are not working! call the doctor who prescribed them, and tell him what is going on. (That is if she will not call the doc... he will not be able to talk to you but you can get a message to him about your concern) If he is any good he will get in contact with her and get her off those meds and on to new ones ASAP. (If they are ones that have to be tapered off then he will do so)

I'm not sure if there is anything worse than not knowing that a medicine is messing with you and not having anyone to tell the person who is managing that medicine. Good Luck!

Is it common for 2 sisters to have different disorders such as narcissism and borderline personality disorder?
Mental Illness runs in families. IT can certainly happen.It also passes from parent to child. I would ask her to seek counseling, as it is not for you or I to judge a mental illness or disorder. We only recommend people to go to the experts and let them figure it out. A psychologist can spot this stuff a mile away and recommend a psychiatrist.

As for the term, narcissism, I'm not sure about this mental illness, so I am enclosing a link. Good luck on helping your friend, but don't let her take you down with her.

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